Schools Against Domestic Abuse ~ Together We Can Make a Difference
A FREE guide to help schools identify, prevent and support young people and families at risk of Domestic Abuse and Violence
- Are you a teacher or work in an educational or youth setting, and you’re worried about one of your pupils who may be living in an abusive environment?
- Are you a head-teacher aware that you have a duty of care and are looking for training material for your staff on not just what to look out for, but also what to do when you suspect a child is a victim of abuse?
- Do you know you have a legal obligation to protect the children in your schools and Domestic Violence and Abuse puts them at risk of harm
- Download this FREE guide to see how to protect these children and their families
Why Wait? Identify, prevent and support your young people:
In the FREE eBook, You Will Discover:
What Domestic Abuse is and How it Links to Child Protection
How Domestic Abuse Can Affect Children and Young People
Where to get Support for Children and Families Living with Domestic Abuse
How Schools can Prevent Domestic Violence and Abuse
About the Author: Julie Leoni
My name is Julie Leoni and in all my roles: whether as a psychology teacher, doctoral researcher, trainer and consultant on Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) curriculum, coach or mum, I have worked with individuals and organisations to increase well-being, emotional awareness and safer.
I have seen first-hand the negative impact of domestic abuse and I want to ensure sure that people living in abusive homes get the help and support they need to keep themselves and their children safe. Together we can do this.